Reiseforsikring - tilbake til normalen
Perioden med begrensninger i reiseforsikringen er over.
The Corona virus (COVID-19) is still developing and represents an unparalleled concern all over the world these days. Söderberg & Partners Norway follows the situation continuously to meet our clients and partners need for information and support.
Söderberg&Partners experiences a lot of international attention towards Norway, as we have been hit at a very early stage relatively to most countries in the world.
Norwegians are travelers. A great share of middle-aged citizens has tradition of traveling to the Alpes (Northern Italy and Austria) in February each year to ski. This year was no exception, as no one was yet aware that the virus had reached these areas. Unawareness within a large group of travels brought COVID-19 virus back to Norway in a comprehensive scale.
We are learning the virus is spreading rapidly. For some groups the virus can be fatal, and for others hospitalization is required. There is an absolute need to reduce the spread of the virus, to maintain capacity in the health system. Any citizen with urgent need for treatment will get priority through the public health system.
The testing is currently limited to people in significant bad conditions and elderly/ high risk groups with symptoms.
A diagnosis itself is currently considered of limited value, as there is no treatment og medications for the mild infections. The Government and the public health system, that holds the tests, have made it clear that testing will not be offered in a broad scale to the public. This may change as we move forward.
Many industries are hit hard as a direct result of the restrictions related to the corona virus. Further, the oil industry experience significant challenges. The government are providing adjusted solutions for economic support to ease the affects for both employers and employees that are temporarily laid off.
The situation changes rapidly meanwhile the Government works nonstop to meet the local challenges.
To follow the steps of development, we refer to the Government’s website:
Call the local Corona hotline 116 117 for further directions.
If you have any concerns or need for information about your facility and employees in Norway, please do not hesitate to reach out for further details and support.
Didrik Busk Witzøe
Mobile +47 40 00 20 61 | Switch board +47 23 89 73 89E-mail: dbw@soderbergpartners.no
Söderberg&Partners Norway
International Team
Perioden med begrensninger i reiseforsikringen er over.
Ett år med pandemi tærer på de fleste av oss, og det kan være fristende å bestille sommerferie utenlands. Unngå fellene!
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